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Studio SAUDarchitetti is a laboratory of ideas.
SAUDarchitetti is a design studio born from the desire to interpret the project as a creative process.
SAUD stands for Studio Architettura Urbanistica Design.

Based in Pescara (Italy), it has representative offices in Dubai and Mumbay.
SAUDarchitetti plans, reinvents, designs, renews and regenerates.
We provide a broad range of services: we do interior design, integrated design development, construction administration and program management from tender to handover. The key to our success is the close work with the client, to develop the working environment giving the project a unique and innovative added value. We look from different angles to find the best solutions.
The essential ingredient is team work: the ability to work as a team within the studio is the main focus around which projects and professionals from different sectors revolve.


LORENZO DI FELICE · Architect Founder

Lorenzo Di Felice was born in 1978 in Chieti (Italy) and graduated in Architecture from Camerino. Later, he continued his studies with a master’s degree in Urban Planning at La Sapienza University of Rome. In 2003 he moved to Dubai working as a Project Manager with several local companies. In 2009 he came back to Italy and joined the architect Gaspare Masciarelli in the SAUD studio. Today he is the founder of the homonymous studio SAUDarchitetti.


Born in 1991 in Bergamo (Italy), he grew up in San Severo. He graduated in 2016 in Architecture from Pescara with a thesis in Urban Planning, included and published within the researching project “RECYCLE ITALY”. He immediately began his professional career collaborating with studies and companies in Pescara, participating in various tenders and competitions.


Born in Lecce in November 1992.Thanks to his father, a building contractor, he has had the possibility to know life worksite, since childhood. He graduated in 2017 with an experimental thesis in Project and Context. In the same year, he began some collaborations with studies and companies in Pescara.


Born in November 1991, in 2016 she graduated with honors at the Faculty of Architecture in Pescara with an experimental thesis in project and context and attended various architectural composition laboratories as didactic tutor. She improved her formation with specialized courses and an international master and, after numerous collaborations with important architectural firms, she finally joined the SAUD team.

LUCIA PRIOLETTI · Architecture Graduate

Born in April 1996, she grew up in Alberona (FG). She graduated with honors in 2020 at the Faculty of Architecture of Pescara with an experimental thesis in design, conservation and representation. Immediately after an internship experience, she started collaborating with the SAUD studio.


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